Tape Hair Extensions - the Modern Hairstyle

Recently, the trend in hair is “The more, the better!” Unfortunately, not every woman has the thick and long hair of the Rapunzel tale. On the other hand the beautiful and healthy hair can be accomplished with the help of hair extensions.

To find out the best option for hair extension we ask independent experts. They recommend tape hair extensions with self-adhesive stickers as one of the best and most harmless methods. What is this? These do not have hairpins or clips only strip similar to tape.

Here’s what the hair extension experts say about the advantages of this method.
1. The hair extensions can be put quickly and easily. In a few minutes you can have length and volume or to accent with colored streaks. Actually no special tools are used. There is no glue or heating. All you need is a regular comb and a little dexterity!
2. User-friendly, unobtrusive and reusable method. The material of the self-adhesive stickers on the extension is made of the adhesive tape and it is completely harmless to your hair. After a certain time the tape is replaced with new one. With new adhesive stickers the tape hair extension can be put again and thus to be used many times. Additionally, they are transparent and practically invisible. You can feel free to experiment with even more extravagant hairstyles!
3. Reliability. The stickers are just as stable as the other methods – sewing, clips-in, etc. At the same time removing of the hair extension is quick, easy and mostly without adverse consequences for your natural hair.
4. The method is particularly suitable for women with thin and fine hair and it prolongs the hair and adds volume.
5. One of the biggest advantages of this method is that it does not interfere with the growth of the hair.

Tape hair extensions are a great gift for the 8th March that you can do now!